It is unlikely that history has preserved the name of the person who first thought of combining photos, postcards, memorabilia and nice little things in “one bottle” and create from ordinary things an absolutely extraordinary product, which attracts more and more fans from different countries. If you are full of creative energy and want to create your own little masterpiece, our scrapbooking courses will help you! Teaching methods are based on the active involvement of students in the learning process and the use of high-quality teaching materials.
What is taught in scrapbooking courses
Scrapbooking (from “scrap” and “book”) is the art of original, decorative design, not just an album, but a story album, diary, notebook, panel… It is difficult to find an analogue in Russian. Rather, it is a kind of “living book”, “memory boxes”, beautifully decorated memories, a story about a significant event … In a word, scrapbooking is “a little life”! Scrapbooking is an excuse to take apart digital photo archives, scan and clean up old family photos. And then create something new out of them: albums and mini-albums, greeting cards and gifts of all shapes, which will please your family and friends especially, since they are all about personal attitude, imagination, care and love. To learn how to do all these things, we offer you to take our scrapbooking courses
1 We have a teacher with extensive practical experience, the ability to quickly find an approach to the student and pick the most effective training program that combines theory with practice.
2 We have been in the market of professional training for quite a long time, we have a solid material and technical base and a lot of experience in the organization of the educational process.
3 Convenient training schedule, as well as suitable for you the level of complexity of the program in order to combine courses with work, quickly and qualitatively get the necessary knowledge.
4 We have a very democratic price for courses!