Creating items from foamirin is becoming a very popular direction of handmade creativity. You can learn the fine points of this unusual craft by purchasing our course
Why is it worth using the course
Foamiran, which has many names (foam, fom, plastic suede, revellure, foamiart, foam rubber), a unique, flexible, foamy material, the structure resembles a dense sponge, it is a pleasure to work with.
It perfectly amenable to deformation, coloring, easily cut and torn by hands.
Foamiran is used to create jewelry, accessories, floral arrangements, greeting cards, toys and other products. This material is especially good for making artificial flowers, which are sometimes almost impossible to distinguish from the real ones.
Creating things with your own hands is a powerful anti-stress. There is nothing better and more effective than creativity to relax, free yourself from unnecessary thoughts and recharge.
After the training you will not only find a new hobby, but also be able to: decorate your own holiday, up to the wedding decor room; add a highlight to the interior of his home, decorating it with fom products; create souvenirs that are pleasant to give to family and friends.
Who will be interested in the course
Everyone who feels the need to be creative.
The course is available from scratch. Even if you have never held a foamiran in your hands, it will not be difficult to master this skill.
Besides for beginners, it will also be interesting for those who already have experience of working with foil, but plan to deepen their skills and learn new techniques.
Learning on the course – a fascinating and exciting process in which stunning things will be born right in front of your eyes. Every lesson is a new discovery.
Classes are held in small groups, which allows each cadet to freely interact with the teacher and get the fastest possible feedback.
Course program
- Getting to know the material: kinds of foaming, peculiarities of work, necessary tools;
- creation of the patterns and blanks;
- coloring and tinting with different kinds of paints (acrylic, oil, pastel);
- types of treatment of the components of the product and techniques for giving them different shapes;
- assembling the product, attaching it to the base;
- independent creative work.
- We have teachers with extensive practical experience, the ability to quickly find an approach to the student and choose the most effective training program that combines theory with practice.
- We have been in the market of professional education for quite a long time, we have a solid material and technical basis and a lot of experience in the organization of the educational process.
- You can choose the most convenient training schedule and suitable for you level of program complexity in order to combine courses with work, quickly and qualitatively get the necessary knowledge.
- We have a very democratic price for courses!