Since ancient times, narrow strips of fabric have been used in everyday life and economic activities of people. Already in Ancient Greece, women wove strips of cloth into their hair to “enliven” their image. Bands decorated with gold and precious stones were also woven into the hair in Ancient Rome. In addition, colored ribbons were trimmed clothing, with each social class corresponding to its own color and material. In the Middle Ages in Italy ribbons have decorated the backs of chairs and canopies, as well as tying heavy curtains that closed the windows from the cold in winter. Ribbons decorated not only dresses, but also umbrellas, lampshades, quilts, hats and various trinkets for the home. During the last 2 decades a revival of embroidery began.
Interest has returned, and this art has once again shone with all its facets. After all, sewing with silk ribbons is extremely entertaining, it does not require complex equipment.
Silk ribbons can do the most graceful and delicate work. They have soft fibers and are quite elastic, but wrinkle easily. Slanted silk ribbons have an additional advantage – having the same properties as the fabric, cut along the slant, they easily take a given shape and drape. To achieve the original effect, the edges of the ribbons unravel as a fringe.
Unfading colors of glass beads have brought to our time the artistic images of the past, preserving the colors of their creators.
Beads – small beads in the form of a cylinder with rounded edges – and glass beads – beads in the form of tubes – were made of coloured glass. Despite the fact that the appearance of beads in Russia, including small varieties, belongs to the distant past, they have received their name relatively recently. In the 18th century expensive pearls were replaced by beads and glass beads, which became widely used in embroidery and jewelry. They embroidered panels, pillows, tapestries, paintings, handbags and purses, braided stockings, inkpots and caskets.
Beads, glass beads and sequins were used in the embroidery of urban clothing and peasant costumes.
Brief program of courses “Embroidery with ribbons and beads”.
The technology of ribbon embroidery. Preparation of the hoop, threads, ribbons, fabrics.
- Types of basic stitches. The rules of safe work.
The technology of stitches. Types of stitches:
- “forward needle”;
- “ribbon stitch”;
- “stem stitch”;
- French knot;
- loop stitch.
Quality requirements for stitches.
- the technology of making different inlets of roses:
- rose from a ribbon;
- rose “cobweb”;
- rose made of twisted stitches;
- a rose from a sewn ribbon;
- twisted ribbon rose.
- Methods of transferring a pattern onto fabric. Making a composition.
- Methods of embroidery with beads and glass beads. Materials needed. Color management.
- Technology of embroidery:
- Sewing by counting;
- Sewing in a tack;
- Stitch half-cross.
Ribbon embroidery and beadwork courses at the educational center “Leader” are taught by teachers with extensive practical experience. Training courses are held in small groups, due to this teacher has the opportunity to bring to each student maximum training material. A person of any age can attend classes!
benefits of our courses
1 We employ teachers with extensive practical experience, the ability to quickly find an approach to the student and choose the most effective training program that combines theory with practice.
2 We have been in the market of vocational training for quite a long time, we have a solid material and technical base and a lot of experience in the organization of the educational process.
3 Here you can choose the most convenient training schedule, as well as the level of program complexity that suits you in order to combine courses with work, quickly and qualitatively get the necessary knowledge.
4 We have a very democratic price for courses!